
Faster thanks to fly fishing.

Or at least I think I so… I travel a lot for business and last week I found myself standing in mind numbing lines & working my way through massive crowds each day of the week. It’s a pretty stressful doing so, trying to get where you’re going on time, keeping an eye on your stuff, and simply putting up with people on all four sides of you, all trying to do the same. About the 2nd day into it, I started to imagine that these waves of people were like water flowing through rocky creeks. There’s the points where the flow narrows down, pillars that trap you in position for longer than you want, and turns that you must stay on the inside track or 50 people will cut in front of you. I thought of myself as a mayfly gently riding the current, trying to avoid the eddies so that I don’t get stuck, and surfing the current to be on the fast track... trying not to get eaten by a trout. I actually think I was able to get through most places faster because I was thinking this way. In any case, it beats the hell out of just standing there thinking how I just wanted to get to the next place.

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